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International Festival of Oriental Art DAIRAFEST 2017

Since ancient times, the art and traditions of the countries of the East have had a considerable influence on the formation of the culture of numerous nationalities of Russia. The organizers of the festival set the task to find "unity in diversity" and contribute to the formation of a benevolent attitude, friendship and mutual respect of the representatives of different cultures inhabiting St. Petersburg in order to prevent manifestations of racism, intolerance, extremism and radicalism. Intercultural interaction, based on the idea of ​​peace and universal well-being, leads to the development and mutual enrichment of cultures and the education of tolerance in society.

The DAIRAFEST Festival is held within the framework of the International Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures, announced by UNESCO for the period 2013-2022. The festival is a new project for St. Petersburg, designed to expand and deepen the familiarity of residents and visitors with the art and culture of the peoples of the East.

The festival "DAIRAFEST" sees its task in uniting people of different nationalities and religions on the basis of universal values. Through art, we see how beautiful and diverse is Islam, how large is the number of ethnic representatives of the Islamic world in our country and abroad.


The purposes of the festival:


- expansion and strengthening of creative multicultural ties between Russia, the countries of the East and the Eastern world


- Expansion of the horizon, due to familiarity with the history and traditions of the countries of the East;


- interconfessional and intercultural dialogue between the countries of the East and Russia;


- preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the East;


- education of tolerance and mutual understanding in society.




- Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Projects "AL MAQAM"




- Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera RAS).

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